Outlook on Small Modular Reactors in Northern Europe

Please join us for a one-hour web conference plus Q&A discussion of the most exciting Small Modular Reactor (SMR) projects in Europe! Get an inside look at the outlook for deployment of SMRs in Northern Europe in a webinar organized by the Swedish Nuclear Society (SKS).

The webinar is free and open for everyone!

In this web conference we will cover the promising topic of development of SMRs in Sweden and Estonia. Invited speakers are Prof. Janne Wallenius from KTH and Dr. Kalev Kallemets of Fermi Energia. Both speakers express the intentions to see the first SMR projects ready to be deployed in their country by the end of this decade. During the webinar we will discuss the prospects and challenges foreseen along this path, including market outlook, research, licensing, political climate, security of fuel supply and more.


12.30 Welcome by Marcus Eriksson, Swedish Nuclear Society

12.40 Outlook on the deployment of lead-cooled reactor systems, Janne Wallenius

13.15 The Role of SMRs in meeting Estonias future market needs, Kalev Kallemets

13.50 Live Q&A

14.00 Close-out

The webinar, scheduled for Friday October 9, will be conducted online through Microsoft Teams.

What: Web conference on the Outlook for SMRs in Northern Europe.

When: October 9, 2020, 12.30 pm CET

Registration: Via Simplesignup here.

Reserve your spot in this web conference today to obtain exclusive insight in recent development in SMRs.

About the speakers:

Janne Wallenius, is professor in Reactor Physics and co-founder of the company LeadCold Reactors. His research is conducted at the Royal Institute of Technology together with a number of academic and industrial partners. The research is funded by 50 MSEK by the Swedish Strategic Research Foundation. The project covers research and engineering of technologies to prepare for the construction and operation in 10 years of a Swedish lead-cooled research reactor in Oskarshamn.

Kalev Kallemets is CEO and co-founder of the start-up company Fermi Energia. Fermi Energia is an Estonian company exploring the possibility to set up a small modular nuclear plant of up to 1200 megawatts in Estonia. The building could start in 2030.

Janne Wallenius och Kalev Kallemets är båda intervjuade i podcasten ”Titans of Nuclear”. Länkar till podcasten hittar ni här och här.


Sista uppdateringen: Thursday 17 September 2020